The CQE survey is processed through the power of computational psychometrics, an interdisciplinary field fusing theory-based psychometrics learning and cognitive sciences, and a data-driven AI-based computational model as applied to large-scale/high-dimensional learning, assessment, biometric, or psychological data.

Computational psychometrics is concerned with providing actionable and meaningful feedback to individuals based on measurement and analysis of individual differences as they pertain to specific areas of enquiry.

The relatively recent availability of large-scale psychometric data in accessible formats, alongside the rapid increase in CPU processing power, widespread accessibility and application of cluster and cloud computing, and the development of increasingly sensitive instruments for collecting biometric information has allowed big-data analytical and computational methods to expand the scale and scope of traditional psychometric areas of enquiry and modelling.

At the heart of the CQE survey is a highly reliable and extensively validated psychometric questionnaire which, once calibrated to the specific culture of a given care organisation (something achieved during the preliminary whole-unit carer survey),  reliably predicts the likely nature of prospective carers’ behaviour – not just in every-day workplace interactions with clients and colleagues, but also crucially, when they come under pressure.

Regular surveys of both carers and prospective carers allows leaders and managers to predict – and therefore substantially reduce, any potential carers may have for abusive behaviour.  

Monthly reports include trends for each unit’s CQE Safety Factor. Those reports encourage and enable managers and leaders to monitor and improve their unit’s safety stance.Three tools derived from our surveys inform and empower leaders and managers to measure and improve their CQE Safety Factor:   

1)  The quarterly “CarerCheck” – detecting and reporting significant changes in carers or culture.

2)  The 15-minute recruitment survey which guides the recruitment of safer carers.

3)  Monthly 3D surveys – which enable and guide managers in constructing safer rosters.

Taken together,  CQE tools and systems empower care leaders and managers to conceive, create and monitor care quality ecosystems with a sense of certainty and confidence hitherto unattainable.