Establishes safe cultures, staff retention and records quality.


After confidently leading a large residential care group for three decades, founder James discovered that, the service users cared for by his organisation, were not as protected by the established standards of vetting and barring as he was led to assume.

An incident within his own organisation, exposed the fact that, there was an important missing element in the safeguarding regulations. The industry appeared oblivious to this element and there seemed no organisation aware of the risk it presented. During a chance meeting, a possible solution was presented by industrial psychologist Harold Sharples. A partnership was soon formed, leading to the exploration of a solution to the systemic weaknesses in safeguarding residents in residential care homes.



The Evidence Below, Highlights Why CQE Set About This Mission.

Flawed Recruitment… Leads to Potential Abuse.

The current accepted method of vetting and barring recruits into the care industry, relies entirely, on a “rear-view mirror” methodology.

🔺 This methodology, uses DBS Records, which are ‘in the PAST’ along with Employer Reference Records, which are also ‘in PAST’.

🔺 These past records, do not provide HR or employment application interviewers with sufficient evidence, to ensure that the potential they recruit, will safely blend into a care home culture.

🔺 Which means, if a new recruit’s nature isn’t suitable for the care home environment, employing them, will damage the care home’s culture, rather than build on it.

🔺 This ‘rear-view’ mirror approach to recruitment, means that the damage is already done, long before the error in the recruitment process is fully appreciated.

Using the CQE Ecosystem approach, care leaders can be more confident that, every new recruit, is suitable and contributes, to building the right care team culture.


  “Care home abuse”

Over five years, search engine results recording care home abuse have doubled. The escalation demands an urgent need for a solution to reverse the trend.

These search numbers sadly, speak volumes.

Historical searches show;

  • 2016 returned 450,000,000 sources.
  • 2019 returned 550,000,000 sources.
  • 2020 returned 650,000,000 sources
  • 2021 returned 956,000,000 sources


You don’t have to look far to see the evidence of care abuse. It’s in the news media, on the tv and all over the internet.

Vance Countryman


This Morning

care abuse media examples

Key Facts

99% of Care Homes in the UK, have residents who have been abused by their carers.

  • The responsibility for providing ‘abuse-free ‘ care, lies fairly and squarely with their Leaders.
  • Weak Care Home Cultures, are the root cause of abuse.
  • The shared habits of thinking and doing in any organisation combine to form its culture.

The Royal College of Physicians has stated that:

  • “We must move from a place, where we assume care is safe until something goes wrong, to ensuring staff are working as teams, to minimise the chances of harm.”
  • “We need to, build safety into daily practice”
  • “The ability to reliably and repeatedly transform a care home’s culture holds the key to leadership to transforming it’s safety.”

The Global Issue

No one, neither CQC, the Royal College, or any institution anywhere in the world, has articulated how to systemise the transformation of care home cultures.

There is not and never has been, a proven training programme, organisational system or operational process, that care home leaders can use to help them execute the greatest challenge their leadership will ever confront.

The CQE Solution

CQE answered the Challenge. Study led to the evolution of the PAR formula which was integrated into the ecosystem application.

Any manager using the predictive abuse ratio technology will be able to immediately recognise the condition of their care culture and will moreover be able to respond effectively. 

The CQE Ecosystem provides all the tools necessary for Leaders and Managers to build and maintain caring cultures.

The CQE Mission


That no-one should ever have to experience abuse and we should do everything we can to ensure that never happens in any care environment.


To empower care home leaders with better systems and more accurate information, so they can confidently build loving, caring and happy care home cultures.


That all people in Caring professions, should ensure they do everything they can to safeguard and improve the quality of life of vulnerable people in residential care home settings


Our vision for the future, is that we should never again have to hear of the Care home abuse incidents, that have been so widely documented in the media and that all those involved in Caring, work together to grow loving care cultures.

CQE Ecosystem - Proven Results

CQE Ecosystem Provides Better HR Recruitment Tools Through Research and Innovation