CQE measures the quality of care home cultures.
Analytics enable managers to reconcile issues before they become a problem.
Business opportunity
The demographics of elderly populations worldwide suggest that the residential care home industry is very likely to double of the next three decades. The industry – being property-based, with continuity of income and strong growth prospects – is becoming an attractive target for investment. Growth is an essential ingredient if a target EBITDA is to be achieved – but that growth comes with a risk unless care quality is maintained. “The bigger the better” only works if a care home can reliably maintain high quality care.
CQE’s system is designed to enable and maintain continuous quality improvement. The system addresses the central care culture underlying financial strength. Regulators and inspectors evaluate leadership by how well they – not only protect residents – but respond to their ever-changing needs.
Care quality is derived from offering choice whilst protecting privacy, dignity and respect. These are the key elements in every care culture. The CQE system empowers business leaders to monitor and maintain those elements – whilst simultaneously enabling them to protect and develop their businesses.
Keeping it safe
Remote leadership of a business with so many powerful drivers comes with a risk. There can often be an assumption that the qualified staff are well able to manage the product autonomously. Moreover, a board focussed on profit often neglects the product that underlies and delivers it. CQE’s key monthly statisics enable boards to see into the heart of service and to identify issues before they become a danger.
An important issue is that most investors are unaware of is that 99% of all nursing and care homes have had residents abused by a carer. Establishing an ecosystem that protects care quality effectively engages every carer into the mindset of the service.
CQE was developed over years of study and research. Research led to the discovery of P.A.R. (Predictive Abuse Ratio) which describes that critical point when a care home culture can either descend into toxicity or ascend to outstanding.
Because it applies the PAR ratio, the CQE system can ensure care home cultures become abuse resistant, caring, happy and compliant whilst the business remains profitable, allowing leaders to lead.
CQE is a unique online application because it both establishes and maintains care home cultures. It’s care home culture that drive how carers behave – So, fixing cultures holds the key to creating a measurable and sustainable caring culture. CQE also generates the documentary evidence and reports needed to prove continuing quality improvement to regulators and assessors.
Surveys, reports and demonstrably safe rotas – along with the supporting documentation prove to inspectors how leaders operate safely and consistently whilst pursuing continual quality improvement. If you are using the CQE system you’re heading towards outstanding with safeguarding innovations.
Adopting the application doesn’t require changing rota systems of existing recording processes either. That’s because it’s designed to introduce and enhance attitudes and alliances – not to replace existing admin – as it sits alongside the existing admin framework.
If a care home culture declines without its leaders knowing, it can be rapidly transformed by adopting CQE.
Adopting CQE into your nursing or care home.
Builds an abuse resistant care home culture.
Exposes genuine caring carers when recruiting.
Instant recruit survey analysis.
Regular P.A.R. care safety certificates
Records of safe rota preps
Regular carer stress analytics
Regular staff retention reports
Access to the secure CQE portal 24/7
The Ecosystem at work
Perhaps more than anything else successful recruitment determines the success of an entire care home. The CQE system now makes this powerful process accessible to every care home leader.
Reading though this site you will learn how the innovative processes we have applied combine with ongoing research and development to deliver our objective – “To empower care home leaders to confidently build a loving, caring and happy care home culture – whilst simultaneously tracking and reporting its progress”.
The CQE mission
The power to understand and govern the human factor within care home cultures.