Bakewells continue to demonstrate “CQC Outstanding Status”
Having operated care quality ecosystems in both of their homes the management team continues to reap the rewards. Using the relevant components that satisfy each element of the CQC KLOEs support continuing quality improvement
What the report said:-
As part of the recruitment process the provider used a ‘Care Quality Ecosystems’ (CQE) scheme which profiled all staff with regard to stress, safety and wellbeing. This information was utilised in the formulation of staff rotas to ensure a balanced and safe staff mix across the caring disciplines for all shifts. The system also benchmarked staff morale and highlighted any areas of work and personal related stress to allow management to support staff wellbeing. The provider told us that by incorporating these new systems into the home’s routines empowered them to drive cultural change within the care environment. The CQE survey is completed by all staff on a regular basis throughout the year. At first staff were wary on the use of CQE, however they now view this as being very positive and helpful because their skills were utilised to an optimum through this process.